
ExZone – Online Examination System

Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $49.00.

A web based Online Examination System built with Laravel 9 & MySQL.



ExZone is a web-based Online Examination System built with Laravel 9 and MySql Database. This application is basically designed and developed for Educational institutes that are willing to conduct Online Examinations on their own. This Application fits very well for Schools, Colleges, Universities, Computer Learning Centres, Competitive Exams Preparatory Institutes, and other Educational Institutes. It has almost all the basic required features to conduct an Online Examination. Though we are working on some advanced features which will be reflected in future updates soon. It’s compatible with all modern browsers. It’s Fully responsive & Retina ready. All codes are written beautifully, separated, well-commented & validated. We have mentioned below all the current features & modules of the Application. You can also take a free tour for a better understanding.



Application Features & Modules:

Separate Login Modules For:

  1. Admin Panel
  2. Centre Panel
  3. Student Panel
  4. Exam Panel

Admin Panel Modules:

  1. Dashboard(Graphical Representation Of Data)
  2. Centre Manager
    1. Add New Centres
    2. Edit Existing Centres
    3. View All Centres
    4. View Centre Wise Courses
    5. View Centre Wise Exams
    6. View Centre Wise Students
    7. View Centre Update Requests & Filter Them By Status Like Under Review, Accepted & Rejected
    8. View New Centre Requests & Filter Them By Status Like Under Review, Accepted & Rejected
  3. Course Manager
    1. View Courses Of All Centres
    2. View Course Wise Subjects
    3. View Course Wise Students
  4. Exam Manager
    1. View Exams Of All Centres
    2. View Exam Wise Questions
    3. View Exam Wise Participants
    4. Add Exam Instructions
    5. View Exam Instructions
    6. Delete Exam Instructions
  5. Student Manager
    1. View Students Of All Centres
    2. View Student Details
    3. View Student Wise Scheduled Exams & Papers(Results)
  6. State Manager
    1. Add New States
    2. Edit State
    3. View Centres Of Each State
  7. Link Manager
    1. Copy & Share Centre Registration(Self) URL Link
  8. User Manager
    1. Add New Users
    2. Edit Existing Users
  9. Notification
    1. View All Notifications
    2. Edit Notification Status(Read/Unread)
    3. Delete Notifications
  10. Settings
    1. Edit Profile
    2. Change Password
    3. Manage Maintenance Mode(Applicable for all panels except Admin panel)

Centre Panel Modules:

  1. Dashboard(Graphical Representation Of Data)
  2. Course Manager
    1. Add New Courses
    2. Edit Existing Courses
    3. View Courses
    4. View Course Wise Subjects
    5. View Course Wise Students
    6. Add New Subjects(Course Wise)
    7. Edit Existing Subjects
    8. View Subjects
    9. Add New Batches
    10. Edit Existing Batches
    11. View Batches
    12. View Batch Wise Students
  3. Exam Manager
    1. Add New Exams
    2. Edit Existing Exams
    3. View Exams
    4. View Exam Wise Questions
    5. View Exam Wise Participants
    6. Schedule Exams
    7. Add Grading System
    8. Edit Grading System
    9. Delete Grading System
  4. Question Manager
    1. Add New Questions(MCQ or Correct/Wrong(True/False))
    2. Import Questions Excel(MCQ or Correct/Wrong(True/False))
    3. Edit Existing Questions
  5. Student Manager
    1. Add Students
    2. Import Students Excel(Bulk Import)
    3. Edit Existing Students
    4. View Students
    5. View Student Details
    6. View Student Wise Scheduled Exams & Papers(Results)
    7. View New Student Requests & Filter Them By Status Like Under Review, Processed, Completed & Rejected
  6. Link Manager
    1. Copy & Share Student Registration(Self) URL Link
  7. Notification
    1. View All Notifications
    2. Edit Notification Status(Read/Unread)
    3. Delete Notifications
  8. Settings
    1. Edit Profile
    2. Change Password
    3. Upload Centre Logo(Brand)

Student Panel Modules:

  1. Dashboard(Profile Information)
  2. View All Exams
  3. View Exam Wise Paper(Result)
  4. Download Admin Card(Auto Generated PDF)
  5. Download Marksheet(Auto Generated PDF)
  6. Notification
    1. View All Notifications
    2. Edit Notification Status(Read/Unread)
    3. Delete Notifications
  7. Settings
    1. Edit Profile
    2. Change Password


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