
QALAR – Questions And Answer Social Platform

Original price was: $145.00.Current price is: $75.00.

Ask & Answer community built in Laravel and VueJS!


QALAR – Ask & Answer social platform, built in Laravel and Vue. Platform allows users to ask and answer questions based on their interests which are grouped in topics and spaces. Space feature allows users to create own “topics” or groups where users can ask each other questions. So, they have ability to create custom topics.

Laravel allow you to install any 3rd party modules and use them as a part of application. With Vue pages looks more interactive. Latest version of Bootstrap allow you to make any customization with latest it’s standards



  • Ask – users can ask questions grouped in topics or spaces.
  • Favorite – users can set question as favorited and get notified about new answers or access it from favorite questions page.
  • Close – users can close own questions in case if they do not want to get more answers.
  • Report – users can report questions for moderator’s review.
  • Votes – users can vote questions to move them in top.
  • Sorting – users can view questions in stream sorted by newest, most viewed, most voted, trending, popular or most rated.
  • Search – very fast full text search is available for your users.
  • Share – users can share own questions and get more answers.


  • Add – users can add answers using text rich editor, which allow them to customize text how they will want.
  • Votes – users can upvote or downvote answers.
  • Best answer – question author can choose which answer is best for his question.
  • Report – users can report answers for moderation.
  • Sorting – users can sort answers by newest/oldest or most voted.
  • Points – users can earn points for voted answers.


  • Account notifications – users are notified about new answers.
  • Email notifications – users can receive email notifications. They also can disable that option under account’s settings.

Admin panel:

  • Reports review. Choose which questions/answers/topics/spaces should be removed.
  • Pages option. Add new pages without coding them, such as terms or contact information pages.
  • Topics, Spaces, users, questions, answers management. Add, edit and delete them.
  • Settings. Edit application settings without editing php files.
  • User profiles with points ranking, user’s questions and answers list.


  • Web server with PHP 7.1.3+
  • Composer to manage dependencies
  • PDO, BCMath, Ctype, JSON, Mbstring, OpenSSL, Tokenizer, XML extension enabled
  • Rewrite module for Apache enabled
  • SMTP or Mailgun (for sending emails)


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