
Bargain Bot for Woocommerce v1.9.1

Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $5.00.

Allow shoppers to Make Their Offer Now with a Bargaining ChatBot. Win more customers with smart price negotiations. Allow your customers to make an offer on your price and bargain. The ChatBot will Negotiate to more than a minimum price set by you. Capture shoppers while they have a high intent to purchase. Supports Exit intent popup for product single page.



  • Enable/Disable Bargaining Bot (hide the make your offer button on the product single page)
  • Exclude sale items (If enabled Bargaining button will not display for products that are already on sale)
  • Enable for specific products by adding Minimum Acceptable Prices or enable globally
  • Enable global maximum acceptable discount for all products (one click set up)
  • Exclude categories from Global discount
  • Exclude products on sale
  • Maximum Bargaining Allowed Limit
  • Minimum product quantity required for bargaining
  • Exit Intent Detection to activate bargain bot. Bargain bot comes to action if shopper intends to leave the site or close window.
  • Option to enable the Bargain Bot for only Exit Intent (not show the Make offer button)
  • Option to ask for phone number instead of email in final step
  • Shortcode to show Bargain button on any page of your website
  • Set how many Bargaining is allowed before accepting the admin set minimum price
  • Send final offer set by admin by email
  • Disable sending the final offer by email
  • Change quantity on the Bargain window
  • Allow only logged-in users to Bargain.
  • Option to re-position the Make your offer button
  • Change admin email and subject
  • Custom CSS area to modify button or lightbox design using your own CSS code
  • Define Minimum Acceptable Price under individual product to Override the global discount value.
  • Options to change all languages from the plugin settings (bargaining bot can be used with any language)
  • Supports both woocommerce Simple Products and Variable products.
  • Compatible with with WoowBot Pro
  • Supports Multi Vendor Woocommerce Plugin Dokan (Vendors can set bargain prices product basis, eMails will be sent to the Vendors)

**Product variations set by 3rd party plugins may not work. Woocommerce product variations is supported fully.


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