
Bieden Card Game Made With Python Using Pygame

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Bieden Card Game is a Flemish card game “Bieden” made with python using Pygame.


Bieden is a card game played mainly in flanders. While variants like “manielen” have their online versions, there wasn’t a public site to play bieden yet. That’s why I’ve used python to create this wonderful game for you and your friends.

The game is a card game for four players. It consists of three phases: the dealing, the bidding and laying cards. First everyone gets their cards, using a specific dealing method. Then the players can bid, which means they say how much points they will be able to get. The person who has bid the most, can start the game by laying a first card. Then all cards are laid one by one until there are no cards left. The points of the cards get counted to determine whether the highest bidder has gotten the points he said he would.
For a more detailed version of the rules, one can read the documentation or the Wikipedia page, but the rules differ a little bit.


You can play the game bieden.


Python and Pygame.


Download python and install Pygame, then you can open the server and the client. Open the server ( and client network ( with your editor. Change the ipv4 address to your own ipv4 (or Ip if forwarding) and choose a port e.g. 25565, which will be the same in the client and the server. The host will run the server and run the client ( The other three players will just run the client. Then you can play the game. The instructions will tell you what you need to do: if you need to give a number or name you can type and if you need to pick a card you can click on the desired card.


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