
Car booking system with Admin and Frontend

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $59.00.

Car booking system in PHP MySQL CodeIgniter Framework.



1. Two types of user (Customer / Vendor) registration and login along with dashboard .

2. Vendor :
– Registration / Login – at least one car add then only registration completed.
– Will have ability to add their cars and manage their bookings . Vendors can have multiple car along with important documents of cars (Fields :
Car type / Number / Hourly Price / Km Range , Inter State , etc. )
– Will have ability to accept / reject booking . They can see Tab wise bookings – Past / Today / Upcomingv – Simple report like wise bookings with custom date range only
– Profile page
– Notification
– Review List

3. Customer : – Registration / Login – at least one car add then only registration completed.
– Search cars with some inputs like Location From / To , Date etc
– Book car with 10 % fee as per calculated amount based on time (Please check price algorithm)
– Dashboard like vendor, can manage bookings, tab wise bookings – Past / Today / Upcoming
– Profile page
– Notification
– Can give review against booking completed – approval needed

5. Price algorithm (Example):
Two types of Cars – HatchBack / SUV
For hatchback :-
4 hours – 40 km – 18*40
6 hours – 60 km – 18*60
8 hours – 80 km – 18*80
10 hours – 100 km – 18*100
For Suv :-
6 hours – 60 km – 28*60
8 hours – 80 km – 28*80
10 hours – 100 km – 28*100

Admin Side :
Login of administrator single user with all access
Simple dashboard with graph some sort of graph based on available data points
List of Customers – Profile and their booking list
List of Vendors – Profile and their booking and car list
Simple reports – Booking with date range filter – Booking details
Settings of site (General )


Front End : Search vehicle,Booking,Car Details

Customer : Register,Login,Booking

Vendor : Register,Login,Vehicle Manage,Booking Manage

Admin: Manage customer,Vendor,Vehicles,Booking


Material Used:

  • HTML,
  • CSS,
  • JS
  • PHP 7+
  • CodeIgniter 3.1.11 Framework


Front End :
if any sub folder your-folder-name
Admin Section :…
if any sub folder your-folder-name /index.php/admin/login

After login You can see Dashboard with the current status of users,bookings,customers,vendors,vehicless

Material Used:
PHP 5.6+
CodeIgniter 3.1.11 Framewok
MYSQL 5.6+
Settings & installation guide

Change Country for Google Places API

at views/home/home.php

at views/findcar/findcar.php

function initialize2() {
var input = document.getElementById(‘location_to’);
var options = {
//types: [‘(regions)’],
componentRestrictions: {country: “in”}


The database and its tables is in zip folder.In PhpMyAdmin make a database name and click browse and select *.sql file from unzipped folder and after submitting You can see all the tables there.


Path : application/config/config.php
Enter your domain name here example :


Path : application/config/database.php
Enter your database name,username & password

Operate & Manauals

Login with your username(email) & password stored in users tables


In the Dashboard you can see users,bookings,vendors,customers data

Google API Key:

Login into Google console and get API Key and enable distance matrix, Google Places

set API key into admin settings


Manage Bookings



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