This tool will give a summary for the given text by ranking each sentence by its relevance. The tool requires PHP to integrate in an existing project. Sample integration scripts are included in the package in order to facilitate the usage.
- Summary output with configurable threshold – only the lines with a frequency over the threshold will be returned
- Best words extraction – most relevant keyword will be extracted (ordered by their relevance)
- Sentences splitĀ – the given text is automatically split into sentences
- Common words skip – in order to provide better results, common words are skipped based on a dictionary (only for English language provided)
- Minimal dependencies – all you need is PHP 5+ to run it (PHP 7 / 8 supported)
- Incredibly fast – in most cases, the summary is returned in less than 0.1 seconds
- Low memory usage – with regular articles less than 1 MB of memory is used
- Natural language processing – much better results when using non-standard languages (e.g. Russian, Farsi, Arabic, Chinese)
- PHP 5 / 7 / 8
Basic usage:
Here is how to create the summary of a given text.
From local file:
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Summarizer.php'); $text = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/test_files/cap1.txt'); $summarizer = new Summarizer(); $summarizer->loadText($text); $summary = $summarizer->run(); print_r($summary);
From remote url:
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Summarizer.php'); $url = 'http://edition.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/02/07/russell.simmons.super.rich/index.html?hpt=C2'; $summarizer = new Summarizer(); $summarizer->loadUrl($url); $summary = $summarizer->run(); print_r($summary);
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