
Ultimate Prime School Management System Script

Original price was: $85.00.Current price is: $45.00.

School fees management system, manage fees heads, students, schools, classes, sections, session, staff users, deposit fees, report.



The School Management System is an online school management platform which has 7 type of users (Admin, Staff, Teacher, Parent, Student, Accountant and Librarian). Every user has own role like teacher can manage students, class routines, syllabus, subjects, exams, student’s attendance, study material and messages while a parent can see all the information about his/her children only, student can view all the information of related to own account, accountant can manage income & expenses. Library books and issued books are managed by librarian. Admin can manage all the features and functionality of application as owner of school.

School Management System web application has users (7 types), enroll new students, promote students to next class, manage classes, sections and their routines, subjects, class wise syllabus, offline and online exams, view exam marks, send exam marks by SMS, student attendance, library books and issue books, notice board, messages, events & holidays, students fee, office expenses, transports, students materials, dormitories, system settings and lots of premium features.


1) Login / Forgot Password
2) Dashboard
3) Manage Students
a) Students
b) Promote Students
4) Manage Users
a) Staffs
b) Teachers
c) Parents
d) Accountants
e) Librarians
5) Classes & Subjects
a) Classes
b) Classes Sections
c) Classes Routines
d) Subjects
e) Classes Syllabus
6) Offline Exams
a) Exams
b) Exam Grades
c) Exam Marks
d) Exam Marks List
e) Send Exam Marks By SMS
7) Online Exams
a) Manage Online Exams
b) Manage Online Exam Questions
c) View Online Exam Results
8) Students Attendance
a) Daily Attendance
b) Monthly Attendance
9) Library
a) Library Books
b) Library Issued Books
10) Manage Office
a) Noticeboards
b) Messages
c) Events And Holidays
11) Accounts
a) Expenses Categories
b) Expenses
c) Classes Fees
d) Students Payments (Fees)
e) Make Fees Payment Offline and Online
12) Transports
a) Transport Vehicles
b) Vehicle Drivers
13) Study Materials
14) Dormitories
15) Global Settings
a) System Settings
b) SMS Settings
c) Payment Settings
16) Update Profile
17) Change Password
18) Logout
19) Other powerful features:
a) 100% Responsive – Compatible With Desktop, Laptop, Mobile and iPad Devices
b) Developed in Latest Laravel 5.7 Version and Technology
c) Bootstrap Framework
d) HTML5 and CSS3 Validation
e) Cross Browser Compatible
f) Clean & Commented Code
g) Easy to Customize
h) Font-Awesome fonts
i) Well Documented
j) 24/7 Awesome Support


  • Apache 2.4 server
  • PHP version 7.2
  • PHP extension: gd, htaccess, mysqli, curl, mbstring should be enabled
  • Mysql version: 5.7
  • Disk space on server: 200 MB minimum
  • RAM: 512 MB minimum


1) Make sure your server is fulfilling above minimum requirements
2) Unzip code zip file in public_html folder on server
3) Create a new database on server and import ‘prime-sms-db.sql’ file available in ‘database’ directory.
4) Open ‘.env’ file, available at root level of directory and update below credentials as per your domain:
b) DB_DATABASE (this is database name, you created on server)
c) DB_USERNAME (this is database username, you created on server)
d) DB_PASSWORD (this is database password, you created on server)
e) MAIL_HOST (your mail host name e.g..
f) MAIL_PORT (your mail port e.g.. 26 or 25 or 2525)
g) MAIL_USERNAME (your mail email id eg.
h) MAIL_PASSWORD (your mail password eg. abc123456)
i) MAIL_ENCRYPTION (your mail encryption method eg. tls or ssl)
5) Open ‘config/database.php’ file and update database name, username and password credentials same as you added in .env file
‘mysql’ => [
‘driver’ => ‘mysql’,
‘host’ => env(‘DB_HOST’, ‘’),
‘port’ => env(‘DB_PORT’, ‘3306’),
‘database’ => env(‘DB_DATABASE’, ‘–add–database–name–here–‘),
‘username’ => env(‘DB_USERNAME’, ‘–add–database–username–here–‘),
‘password’ => env(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘–add–database–password–here–‘),
‘unix_socket’ => env(‘DB_SOCKET’, ”),
‘charset’ => ‘utf8mb4’,
‘collation’ => ‘utf8mb4_unicode_ci’,
‘prefix’ => ”,
‘prefix_indexes’ => true,
‘strict’ => false,
‘engine’ => null,

6) Run application in browser and make sure there is a ‘storage’ directory in ‘public’ directory. Do not create it manually. If ‘storage’ directory in ‘public’ directory is created by system automatically then open ‘routes/web.php’ file and delete below code line from web.php file:


That’s it. You can enjoy School Management System features. Thank you.


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