
ZipShare – Anonymous Zip Sharing PHP Script

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $120.00.

Anonymous Zip Upload is boost up your business. Many people wants free zip files so take advantage and build online growth.



  • Key Points
    • Multilanguage (26 Languages Supports)
    • LTR – RTL support (For Arabic & Urdu Languages)
    • Admin Panel (Full Control on Everything)
    • Secured Zip Folder (No-one can access directly)
    • User Friendly URLs (For SEO)
    • Sitemap (For SEO)
    • Robots.txt (For Badbot Protection)
    • Google ReCaptcha V2 (For Spam Protection)
    • Google Ad & Analytics (Turn On/Off)
    • Automatic Sitemap Generation (For SEO & Search Engines)


  • Zip
    • Upload Zip (No need to Login / SignUp)
    • Google ReCaptcha V2 (Spam Protection)
    • Automatic/Manual Zip Upload Approval (via Admin Panel)
    • Download Zip (No need to Login / SignUp)
    • User Friendly Zip URL (For SEO)
    • Search Zip by Title
    • Category Wise Zip available (SEO Friendly URL)
    • Featured Tag Wise Zip available (SEO Friendly URL)
    • Popular Tag Wise Zip available (SEO Friendly URL)
    • Social Sharing of Zip files
    • Blogs
    • Pages
    • Small About Us
    • Google Ad
    • Google Analytics
    • Automatic Sitemap Generation
    • Robots.txt (For Badbot crawling)
  • Dark Mode / Light Mode available
    • Admin can set Default Mode in configuration file
  • 26 Languages available
    • LTR – RTL supported for Arabic & Urdu Language
    • Admin can set Default Language in configuration file
  • Admin Panel
    • Hassle Free Dashboard
    • Category
      • Create Category
      • Edit Category
      • Activate / Deactivate Category
      • Different Total Category Page
      • Different Active Category Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Different Deactive Category Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Delete Category
      • Delete Category Note : When delete a category means All zip files belongs to that category will also be deleted permanently.
      • Automatically added into Sitemap (For SEO)
    • Zip
      • Zip Limit : Set upload zip size limit in configuration file
      • Automatic / Manual approval of zip file
      • Total Zip File Page
      • Different Total Active Zip File Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Different Total Pending Zip File Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • View User IP, Zip Title, Zip Description, Status
      • Download User Uploaded Zip file to check
      • Make Zip File to Featured or Unfeatured
      • Make Zip File to Popular or Unpopular
      • Delete Zip File Only
      • Delete Zip File & Block User IP
      • Different Total Featured Zip File Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Different Total Popular Zip File Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Delete Category Note : When delete a category means All zip files belongs to that category will also be deleted permanently.
      • Automatically added into Sitemap (For SEO)
    • Block IP
      • Delete Zip & Block User IP
      • Blocked User IP : Cannot access the website and always redirect to blocked user page
      • Unblock User IP
    • Blogs
      • Create Blogs
      • Unique Title for every blogs
      • Edit Blogs
      • Activate / Deactivate Blogs
      • Different Active Blog Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Different Deactive Blog Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Delete Blogs
      • Social Sharing for Blogs (For Users)
      • User Friendly URL for Blogs (For SEO & Increase Google Rankings)
      • Blog Image should be exactly 1600 x 800 Pixels just like codester.
      • Automatically added into landing page of website (For Users)
      • Different Link for all Blogs (For Users)
      • Automatically added into Sitemap (For SEO)
    • Pages
      • Create Pages (For Google Adsense Approval like Privacy Policy pages etc.)
      • Unique Title for every pages
      • Edit Pages
      • Activate / Deactivate Pages
      • Different Active Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Different Deactive Page (For hassle free admin actions)
      • Delete Pages
      • User Friendly URL for Pages (For SEO & Increase Google Rankings)
      • Automatically added into footer with link (For Users)
      • Automatically added into Sitemap (For SEO)
    • Ad Setting
      • Paste Google Javascript Ad Code – 300 x 250 Pixel
      • Turn On / Off Function
    • Analytic Setting
      • Paste Google Javascript Analytic Code
      • Turn On / Off Function
    • Main Setting
      • About Us (200 Characters)
      • Automatically added About Us into footer (For Users)
      • Default Limit : Means every where on User Panel limit for default loading like for zip files, blogs, category zip files, featured zip files etc.
      • Load More Limit : Means every where on User Panel limit for when user press load more button like for zip files, blogs, category zip files, featured zip files etc.
      • Automatic Approve Zip file : Yes / No function
      • Copyright Name : It shows in footer for Users
    • Change Admin Username
    • Change Admin Password
    • View Automatic Sitemap Generations


  • Required PHP version in server >= 5.4
  • allow fopen strongly recommended on your server
  • .htaccess will work properly on your server (Strongly recommended)


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